发布人:顾伯洪  发布时间:2018-04-06   浏览次数:1205


1 Wang HL, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Numerical modeling on compressive behaviors of 3-D braided composites under high temperatures at microstructure level. Composite Structures, 2017(January), 160: 925–938

2 Zhou HL, Hu DM, Zhang W, Gu BH, Sun BZ. The transverse impact responses of 3-D braided composite I-beam. Composites Part A, 2017(March), 94: 158-169

3 Zhang W, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Thermal-mechanical coupling modeling of 3D braided composite under impact compression loading and high temperature field. Composites Science and Technology, 2017(March), 140: 73-88

4 Hu DM, Xing YJ, Chen MH, Gu BH, Sun BZ, Li QW. Ultrastrong and excellent dynamic mechanical properties of carbon nanotube composites. Composites Science and Technology, 2017(March), 141: 137-144

5 Wang ML, Cao M, Wang HL, Siddique A, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Drop-weight impact behaviors of 3-D angle interlock woven composites after thermal oxidative aging. Composite Structures, 2017, 166(April): 239-255

6 Zhou HL, Hu DM, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Transverse impact performance and finite element analysis of three dimensional braided composite tubes with different braiding layers. Composite Structures, 2017, 168: 345-359

7 Pan ZX, Gu BH, Sun BZ, Xiong J. Progressive failure of 3-D textile composites under impact loadings. Composite Structures, 2017, 168: 710-724

8 Hu DM, Gong WB, Di JT, Li D, Li R, L WB, Gu BH, Sun BZ, Li QW. Strong graphene-interlayered carbon nanotube films with high thermal conductivity. Carbon, 2017(July), 118: 659-665

9 Li YY, Lu WB, Sockalingam S, Gu BH, Sun BZ, Gillespie JW, Chou TW. Electromechanical behavior of carbon nanotube fibers under transverse compression. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2017(March), 50(8): 085303

10 Li YY, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Impact shear damage characterizations of 3D braided composite with X-ray micro-computed tomography and numerical methodologies. Composite Structures, 2017(September), 176: 43-54

11 Dong K, Peng X, Zhang JJ, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Temperature-dependent thermal expansion behaviors of carbon fiber/epoxy plain woven composites: Experimental and numerical studies. Composite Structures, 2017(September), 176: 329-341

12 Wang HL, Cao M, Siddique A, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Numerical analysis of thermal expansion behaviors and interfacial thermal stress of 3D braided composite materials. Computational Materials Science, 2017(October), 138: 77-91

13 Wang HL, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Coupling effect of temperature and braided angle on compressive behaviors of 3D braided carbon–epoxy composite at low temperature. Journal of Composite Materials, 2017, 51(18): 2531–2547

14 Li YY, Zhang W, Gideon RK, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Finite element analyses on punch shear behaviors of three-dimensional braided composites at microstructure level. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2017, 26(7): 968-988

15 Wu XY, Zhang Q, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Influence of temperature and strain rate on the longitudinal compressive crashworthiness of 3D braided composite tubes and finite element analysis. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2017, 26(7): 1003-1027

16 Liu T, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Influence of specimen size and inner defects on high strain rates compressive behaviors of plain woven composites. Polymer Testing, 2017, 64: 55-64

17 Zhang M, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Meso-structure ageing mechanism of 3-D braided composite's compressive behaviors under accelerated thermo-oxidative ageing environment. Mechanics of Materials, 2017, 115: 47-63